Use the materials we used in class today at our editing centers to continue to edit your persuasive essay rough draft. You should be focusing on correcting:
Complete Sentences
Spelling form
reaction (n.)
reconstruction (n.)
unusually (adv.)
weightless (adj.)
Both classes
Elapsed Time in Other Units. Finish text p. 362-363
Catch up on persuasive writing unit if you are behind. (Finish persuasive reading sheet, persuasive brainstorm sheet, persuasive outline, and persuasive essay rough draft.)
If you are on schedule: Have an adult read your persuasive essay. Focus on ideas and organization. We will edit conventions in class tomorrow.
Spelling form (click the link at the right for tonight's words.)
Use your persuasive essay outline to write your persuasive essay rough draft.
Make sure to write 5 paragraphs
1. Introduction (Include topic sentence)
2. Reason #1
3. Reason #2
4. Reason #3
5. Conclusion
Please skip lines on your rough draft so there is room for comments
Both classes
Units of Weight and Mass handout 47-48
AIMS Prep group:
(Only if you're in Ms. Baker's group)
Solve the second side of your worksheet. (problems 8a & 8b)
Have a great evening!
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Language Arts:
Both classes
Complete your persuasive writing outline sheet. Pick your three strongest supporting ideas and use them for the body of your essay. This outline will help you feel organized when you begin writing your rough draft.
Both classes
No math homework tonight
AIMS Prep group:
(Only if you're in Ms. Baker's group)
Solve one side of your worksheet only. (problems 6a & 6b)
Spring Conference time is here! The dates are Monday, March 5 through Friday March 9th. Monday and Tuesday there are 15 min. slots open from 3:45-5:00. Wednesday through Friday there are 15 min. slots open from 12:45-5:00. Please use the link provided below if you would like to conference with Ms. Baker and Mr. Kasch this spring about your child’s progress.
When the conference schedule appears:
1) type in your name and your child's name in parentheses.
2) next, choose a specific day and time (only one, please).
3) finally, scroll all the way to the end to click SAVE.
That's it! We'll see you at your conference time on the day you schedule. We look forward to meeting with you to discuss your child's progress. Thanks!